"Pontypool and The Last Man On Earth could be on there"
"curious - has anyone seen the "butchered" version of Brazil - the one with the happy ending, different modern (for the 80s) music and dream sequences taken out?"
"What about Jabberwocky? never heard of Tideland so thats on my to-watch list"
"Surely a list of Horror babes without Barbara Crampton is a bit silly"
"how can a list about films with dreams miss...The Wizard Of Oz and Dreamscape"
"no Chrono Trigger or Earthbound? nor Final Fantasy 9?"
"- triple post - lol there should be a J Horror subsection overrused cliches - the long dark haired ghost girl,overcomplicated or confusing plots, ghosts in toilets or elevators "
"- sorry for double post - I would also add - twist endings and people can be pulled apart yet still be conscious and screaming even if it takes a long time oh throw in the hyperquick cut in ha"
"I would add... the "boss" monster comes back to life to attack the hero and then finally gets killed --- just spotted posted by blankend and one of the most annoying ones... people do not eve"
"A Serbian Film is a must see - unlike many "shockers" it actually backs up its sick stuff with a good plot, excellent pacing, solid acting, largely competent special effects, good soundtrack, some goo"