"needs to include USA at present just mark all those military bases globally and McDonalds rigth across the world"
"Well February was okay for films Best films for me were It Follows Riddle Room and The Believer"
"Well February was okay for films Best films for me were It Follows Riddle Room and The Believer"
"I like your concise format for the reviews/comments"
"i think its missing 2 stratospherically important photos the one of the priest sitting down engulfed in flames after setting himself alight in protest and the naked Vietnamese girl running from her d"
"Meatloaf - fat, ugly - totally going against the grain of skinny pinup rockstar types"
"good list I'd recommend M Butterfly Bloody Reunion Unknown White Panic"
"good list but A Wizard A True Star is very nice and practically a visual representation of what you'd expect to hear from the album - though I think Todd Rundgren is one of the few musical geniuses al"
"Wow - just finished and I am proud that I got through this relatively quick. Unlike last time I dont think I viewed any truly great films but overall my choices were fairly solid - Best film - In The "
"Apollo 18 was alright once you accept its absurdity which is pretty much from the dvd cover - it delivered a few scares, and was fun"
"@VierasTalo - thanks I think I overlooked that comment- good documentary"
"Though I thought the 1940 version wasnt that good this list needs Gaslight - possibly the first psychological thriller/horror I am not seeing how Audition is a psychological film at all"
"Some good films in there I think you and others would like I'm A Cyborg And That's Ok - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0497137/ the blurb from IMDB - "A girl who thinks she is a combat cyborg checks "
"yeah Cannibal Holocaust the film that gives bad movies a bad name...its tedious I think Clockwork Orange never got banned in the UK as Kubrick had rights on screenings and withdrew them after there w"
"Run Lola Run Zathura (partially) Triangle Timecrimes Click (possibly)"