"Reservoir Dogs is the only decent QT movie"
"Kids for Karate Kid you could have the description "wax on wax off" I an recall little else about the movie there than the crane stance on the wood in the sea"
"good list - if you are not already aware there have been a few cover versions of Making Love Out Of Nothing At All,,,,an interesting version by Bonnie Tyler and an unreleased demo by Karine Hannah"
"Excellent list, very well made - I agree that Pong should be on this list plus Doom, Castle Wolfenstein and point and click adventures like Broken Sword...plus Dragons Lair (?) that movie-type choose "
"Maybe you could do an old skool version of this list - X Com Enemy Unknown - the original DOS version...mainly a resource/strategy/battle game but it can really crank up the tension when you can hardl"
"good list - would probably benefit from more text descriptions either opinion or short summaries"
"LOL at this list - in a good way"
"Ebert is too nice to a lot of these movies....I think he loathes Death Race 2000 which is possibly the ultimate cult classic movie...just found the review...NO STARS http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/ap"
"Occult is more in the vein of Noroi: The Curse, following the same faux documentary/found footage format - so it will be very slow at the start but gets weirder and better the further it goes - funnil"
"kudos for the quantity of films you are watching - nearly 1 a day"
"I am certain this film mentions the Cthulu myth and plays heavily on Lovecraft (ufos, some alien/weird creatures/paranormal happenings, some sort of weird killings)--- Occult: The Unidentified http://"
"@kusperli - another cliche is that the police are generally clueless and the people involved in a crime are amateur detectives who come across vital clues which even a blind idiot would not miss but s"
"maybe too strong for this list Salo - 3 hours of humanity degrading children A Serbian Film - where to start? Snowtown - the strangulation scene is very hard to watch Anti-christ - be careful with th"
"interesting list - have to watch some of these flicks...on my own I recommend Kairo(Pulse) though on the face of it is a macabre Asian horror it is really about loneliness and failing to connect - so"
"Chris McCandless in Into The Wild May in the independent horror movie May the boy in wonderful kids film The Bridge To Terabithia the girl in surreal Brit low budget psycho horror Paperhouse the boy i"
"Cloud Atlas I will give another shot - I attempted to watch it but just thought it was a mess...the novel is highly stylised and structured and an essential read ...not keen on the re-cycling of actor"
"oh some interesting films to add to my will watch some day list I have a question how did you format it to go from number 63 then show a headline Mixed Bag and then continue with number 64?"
"check these 2 albums Warrior Soul - Drugs God And The New Republic and Therapy? - Troublegum"
"Insidious http://virtualborderland.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/insidious-red-face.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-AeSbw2W_Gy8/TZTY61dlZNI/AAAAAAAAEmQ/Y4pUC0YxDw4/s1600/2011_insidious_008.jpg oh and H"
"Salo - sick fucks to the extreme"
"good list - you may want to check Spider Forest - a Lnychian Asian horror and Session 9"
"this is inspiring - I think I may attempt a list of 20 greatest moments in horror or even a jumpscares list"
"assuming you are keeping this English language you may want to check out the J-Horror anthology series Tales Of Terror From Tokyo, Ghost Stories from Japan and Dark Tales Of Japan - loads on Youtube -"
"thx - just curious - anyone know a decent list of top 5 or top 10 episodes from each of these series?"
"moviewatcher122 - I guess some remakes ARE good but simply not as good as the original - Vanilla Sky being the best example I can think of - tbh I avoid remakes like the plague"